The challenges of our time are solved with technology.

We are living in one of the most exciting, but also most challenging times: Digitalisation and technological developments are changing the way we live and work, how we communicate and how we get from A to B.

We need to take people with us in these developments.

Mag. (FH) Anja Herberth


Many technological solutions are already available, but are not yet being implemented on the market or demanded by consumers. This means that essential parts of the value chains are missing on the market.

We need to take people with us and help them overcome their fear of new things. I have designed my own medium in the area of housing & living, construction & renovation: The, available in German and English.

Develop networks

In the future, it will be essential to develop systems that are networked with each other – with maximum resilience and capacity. The joint consideration of electricity, heating and gas grids, for example, is essential for the energy transition.

This means that cooperation and collaboration between sectors as well as organisations and companies from a wide range of industries will become more important in the future. It is important to establish the right cross-sector teams and collaborations for them to succeed.


Digitalisation and technological developments, COVID, but also the ongoing multi-crises have changed a lot: The way we communicate, live, work and shop.

In order to make informed decisions, we need data. Together with partners, I design and implement your customised market survey.


One of the biggest challenges, but also opportunities, in times of a shortage of skilled labour: Re-qualification and diversity in companies.

Companies that are open to diversity and new target groups will have an advantage on the market. They can make better use of the domestic labour market potential. This includes target groups such as women, older employees, people with a migration background and job-seekers who are no longer sufficiently qualified.


Digitalisation and technological development also mean a further development of communication channels.

A new look at the way you communicate is essential on several levels: On the one hand, different generations are usually active in the companies, who keep themselves informed differently.

Secondly, customers‘ communication channels have also changed. We analyse your current forms of communication and recommend specific further developments.


Spread the word! I am happy to be available for presentations and discussions on the following topics:

  • Results of the market surveys: Active Assisted Living & What skills are missing in the labour market?
  • Using domestic workforce potential: Inspiring new target groups for technology.